
General Rules

1. Students must reach the school at least five minutes before the time fixed for the morning school assembly.

2. Irregular attendance, neglect of homework, disrespect towards school staff etc will lead to dismissal.

3. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books & belongings.

4. No one should leave the school premises during the school hours without the principal’s permission. Parents are not allowed to see their children or meet or interact with teacher during the teaching hours, except with the permission of the principal.

5. Any student who has been involved in acts of indiscipline will not be entitled for admission in next class.

6. Students should attend festivals and functions celebrated in the school.

7. Students are not allowed to carry mobile phones to the school.

School Fee

1. Fee is charged for twelve months of the year. It is increased at least once in a year due to hike in salaries & others expenses.

2. Fee not deposited within the stipulated time will be levied with late fee. If fees are not deposited even during the grace period with fine the name of the student may be struck off the roll.

3. Parents can discuss the progress & difficulties of their children in Parent-teacher meeting if they need to meet the principal or any teacher for any reason they can do it after making an appointment with the principal or teacher concerned.

4. Every Student attending the school must keep strictly of the uniform as prescribed by the school authority. They shall take all possible care to be always neat & tidy.

General guidelines to Parents/Guardians

Parents – teacher co-operation is essential for harmonious development of the student’s personality. So the following points are in the interest of your wards.

1. Any communication made by the parent/ guardian should be addressed to the principal.

2. Parents are requested not to enter the classrooms or make telephone calls to contact or to see their children / teachers during school hours.

3. Parents are requested to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help their children progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality and discipline and taking interest in their work.

4. Parents are requested not to enter the school buses to see off and receive their wards.

5. The school authorities organize the scrutiny of Class Work copies and Home Work copies on the last Saturday of every month for this prior information to the class teacher is essential.

6. To pin point and tap the hidden talent of every child, school authorities takes five minutes from each period on Saturday to organize extracurricular activities and Inter - House contest for this parental assistance is necessary.

School Uniform


Boys: White shirt, Dark Gray trouser, Black shoes and light gray shocks.

Girls: White shirt and dark gray skirt Black shoes and light gray shocks.

Wed & sat: house T- shirt, white shorts/ trouser (skirts for girls) white shoes and white shocks.


Dark gray woolen sweater & red Blazer (Coat).

Note: All uniform is compulsory.

School Hours

Summer: 7.30 Am to 1.15 PM

Winter: 8.20 Am to 2.00 PM

School Hours

Summer: 7.30 Am to 1.15 PM

Winter: 8.20 Am to 2.00 PM